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Using the Law of Attraction to Cope with an Unemployed Spouse

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Unemployed Spouse

Having an unemployed spouse can be extremely stressful. Consciously employing the Law of Attraction can relieve stress and provide hope.

When dealing with an unemployed spouse, finding hope can be the key to both day to day mental survival and the long term success of the job search. While no one can control the emotions and thoughts of his/her spouse, keeping one’s own attitude aligned with hope can greatly influence everyone in the household.

The Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction states that like attracts like, which translates to whatever you focus on in thoughts is what you bring into your life. As businessman and philosopher, Charles Haanel states in his book The Master Key System, “You can get out of life exactly what you wish by first putting into life that which you wish”.

James Twyman, in his book The Moses Code, broke it down into steps which begins with being very clear about what one wants. He adds that one must be open, focused, happy and grateful.

Notice the emphasis here is on remaining positive, but as Tony Robbins adds, action needs to be included as well. Doing both will help keep hope alive even during difficult times.

10 Easy Ideas for Creating Hope

Creating Hope

  1. Begin each day by reading something inspiring. Keeping a motivational book by one’s bed so that it is easily accessible in the morning is helpful.
  2. Create short term personal goals that are easily attainable and mark them off in red every time one is achieved (for long term goals create a vision board, but keep in mind this can cause some unemployed spouses more frustration than hope, so be sensitive regarding where you place it).
  3. Create a “blessings jar” by writing down on slips of paper things to be grateful for and then when despair begins to creep up pull one out and read it.
  4. Create a network of friends with a positive outlook who can provide support.
  5. Avoid negative people. The temptation may exist to sit around with friends complaining, but that will only kill hope and accomplishes nothing.
  6. Brainstorm fun, inexpensive activities and list them on slips of paper that you put into a jar. When the kids are getting bored or things are getting humdrum, pull something out.
  7. Tape pictures of happier times around the house so that everyone can see them often.
  8. Make a pledge as a family to avoid complaining. If someone does start to complain have a humorous way to let the person know.
  9. Limit the amount of bad news coming into the home by not watching too much television or reading negative things online.
  10. Take time to volunteer. Being active gives hope and there is no better feeling than knowing one has contributed to making life better.

How the Law of Attraction Can Ease Unemployment

By practicing empowering thoughts and consciously avoiding negative ones, hope will begin to grow. When hope grows one is more open to seeing possibilities. That means instead of seeing only the problems, one is looking in the right direction for the answers. Those answers may take a bit of time to fully materialize, but in the interim, one’s family will face less stress and learn valuable skills for being successful during difficult times.

The Law of Attraction is all about staying focused on what one wants in life. By doing this even a family hit by severe economic challenges can continue to move forward and in the end that is what will turn everything around.

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